Effective Tips To Remove Hair Extensions And Toppers

Hair extensions are no more secrets at all, we all adore it very much. There are plenty of reasons behind this, it could be the length of the hair extension, or the volume it could provide to the person who wears a hair extension or hair topper. It not only boosts confidence in you but also gives an instant transformation into your overall personality.   

Many said, hair extensions and toppers are a little bit problematic when it comes to removing it from your original hair and scalp. “How to remove hair extension without damaging the original hair” is actually one of the popular questions searched on Google. However, if you are looking for a thorough knowledge on how to remove your hair extension and toppers properly then you should read this blog.  

Effective Tips To Remove Hair Extensions And Toppers

So shall we start? 

There are few types of hair extensions available in the market, and different hair extensions have different ways to remove that. Such as -  

When using sew-in extensions, you must pull all of your hair back into a ponytail, locate the thread's end, and carefully cut it. To locate the location of the sewing, run your fingertips along the contour of your scalp. It's easy to accidentally cut your natural hair, so take your time when cutting. 

Then, remove the last of the thread from your scalp. To prevent painful pulling or breakage of your natural hair, hold onto it with one hand while the other gently undoes the thread. Should you require more assistance, you can purchase specialised product solutions that aid in dissolving and breaking down threads, hence simplifying the removal process. Continue doing this until you believe all of the threads in your hair have been untangled. After that, comb your hair to aid in detangling and make sure all of the synthetic material has been removed. and have finished!  

Another very popular kind of hair extensions which are attached with original hair with glue or tape. To remove this one you need to separate your hair into a workable section, then to try to find where the extensions are, apply hair oil and let it rest for at least 15 to 30 minutes. The oil will help to break down the chemical bonds present in the glue or tape, which makes it easier to remove. Now if you are thinking which oil you should apply, you can choose any hair oil, it can be coconut oil, olive oil, almonds oil or you can choose baby oil as well, basically whichever suits your scalp.

After that you should rinse your hair of the oil, apply your conditioner and wrap your hair up in a towel to remove the remaining oil. Repeat this entire process until all the glue is removed. To follow all of this at home is a very tiring process, and that is why it is always better to book an appointment at your favourite salon to remove your glued hair extensions, let the expert do their work.  

Last but not the least, the clip-in hair extensions and toppers. The clip-in hair extensions and toppers are the easiest to put on and remove as well. Basically these lace hair toppers and extensions have clips attached to them. To remove them, you can start with dividing your natural hair above the ears and at the crown, keeping it apart from the initial piece of extensions on the back of the head. Then slowly remove one clip at a time, try to hold your natural hair to avoid any kind of stress or breakage to your original hair. You can keep track of each extension and make sure you're not overpressing your natural hair or tangling the clips by working in parts. If you are still having problems, you can try to use leave-in conditioner sprayed directly onto the clip. Your natural hair can be painlessly removed from the extensions if it's a little tangled or stuck there. Just dampen it a little and comb through it slowly. And you're done after that!  

So these are the most prominent tips to remove the hair extensions from your original hair. Remember it is always good to use clip-in hair extensions which are always easy to remove. However, if you have more questions than you can contact experts for details!